Monday, June 15, 2009

Troubles don't last Forever.. :)

Today, it was yet another day when Durgapur( the place where I live now) experienced the most loved natural phenomenon- the Rain. .. :P . It’s the monsoon season and all you can expect in West Bengal is heat all the day and rain in the evening.

Quite unusual of my daily routine, I went to my garden and sat down on the jhoola , loving the cool pre-rain breeze blowing all over my face. It was all very enjoyable. Staring long at the sky, which looked quite awesome, I thought of how my mother used to tell me about stories related to the rain when I was a kid – the one which said that it rained because a big monkey cried above the sky. Nostalgic about my childhood, I gazed at the sky and saw how the dark clouds hovered over the sky – which was clear only sometime ago. Enjoying the beauty of the nature, oblivious to when it started raining, a thought trickled down my mind.. Doesn’t the nature somewhat depict our own life?. May sound quite intriguing (or maybe boring), but then that’s what I just thought at that particular moment..

For example, we do come across many problems/difficult situations in our life that comes all of a sudden and hovers all over our mind, somewhat like the dark clouds above..dont we? We tend to forget that there lies a ‘a clear sky’ all over those dense dark clouds. All we start thinking about are the problems and not the solutions.. Fed up of all the situations arising, we end up accepting our defeat. That poor monkey cries ‘inside’ us.. and we feel doomed. But is this what the reality is? Isn’t there a clear sky above that gloomy sheet of grey clouds?. Can’t we see patches of clear sky... a ray of hope beyond those clouds sometimes? What I want to let anyone who reads this blog (willingly or unwillingly) is to KNOW, UNDERSTAND and BELIEVE that whatever tense situations you come across, trust me, it’s just a matter of time. It will end soon. After all, the rain never lasts forever. The clouds do retreat - giving us a new sky, more clear, more vivid.. Just remember, even in the past when you had your difficulties in life, you never got stuck to it forever.. It was YOU who came out of it. And so will it happen ever again! All we need is just a little patience, just a little bit of faith.. :) And I promise you, you will be full of passion to look beyond those veneer of clouds and find a whole new sky awaiting you to reach it! :) ... Cheers again!

[PS : 1)Recoiling myself from those thoughts, I realised it was raining. Sat on a chair by the porch and started writing this new entry. Even I don’t know how such thoughts ran all of a sudden through my mind. Nor do I know if this is interesting enough to be a ‘blog’ post. But then, just wrote it. ;) Critics welcome.!
2)The title might not be very appropriate! :P .. ]

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Calm your Nerves..

Blistering Barnacles!!!.. Thundering Typhoons!!!.. Did I just hear one of my friends crack IIT-JEE (the so-called toughest examination in India) yet again.. just for fun?... lol.. 
Umm.. let me tell you a bit about this 'very friendly' friend of mine who is with me in my very own college. I spent most most of my time with him during my first year and came to know he was appearing for JEE 2009, though I hardly saw him preparing for the exam. I never thought he would make it, as all of us gave JEE last year with all our asses on fire and knew what it was like just to get a rank. He, obviously did qualify last time as well.. but managed a mere 7754 .. and thought of trying it again just to prove that it wasn't his day. I did think he was like the few others who weren't just capable enough of managing a good rank and blamed it all on THE DAY (must 've been april 13th last year, this year it was april 12th).. 
He couldn't even manage his acads well in the college..let alone prepare for JEE.. When I asked him, "Do you think you'll make it through?".. He was like.. "I don't know, I just wanna experience how it feels giving it a try without any pressure of performing well".. He did appear for the exam with no preparation at all. Obviously didn't have any burden on him to perform well 'coz he had nothing to lose ( he was already in one of the best engineering colleges,BITS Pilani, ranked just after the top 3-4 IITs).. And no-one could have ever imagined he would come out with a rank of 6728!!!!!!.. better than his last attempt..God knows what would he have done if prepared ..hehehe!!.. Asked about what was different in the exam-hall this time?.. He says, " I really didn't feel as if I had any fear or pressure of losing anything in my life. People do say you perform well when you have your life at stake, but I think somehow I proved it a bit wrong.",he laughs.
Obviously, he won't go for the counselling for admissions, as he loves his college and all his good friends (including me).. Anyways, what I would like to share with everyone who reads this blog, is that if you really wanna perform well in any exam (be it any kind) of your life, just CALM YOUR NERVES.. DON'T PANIC....Everyone says that.. but then it's really true.. Just chillax and say "LITE LO."...hahahaha!!!... And I promise you, you will never have any guilt of underperforming... 'coz you'll always give the best you can...But yes,do PREPARE yourself for the exam... And that's when you can say "I deserved it !".. And even if it's not a positive result, it makes you realise where you stand and keeps you motivated...!! Cheers!...

(P.S. :1>It's 6 am in the morning. Just woke up and thought of writing a blog
      :2>Dude, you promised us a treat at Le' Meridian if u got a rank below 2k... now, we do deserve an ANC treat at least.. we'll be w8ng..congrats again... u thrashed JEE!!..hahaha)